About Infrastructure Intelligence

Infrastructure Intelligence – who are we?

Infrastructure Intelligence is a dynamic and independent news, features and information resource which sits at the heart of knowledge management in the growing infrastructure design, delivery and operation sector of the built and natural environment.

We provide quality information to unite the multiple and often diverse professions involved in the infrastructure supply chain, creating a communication and knowledge transfer tool to help the whole community to take advantage of the growing business opportunities in the sector.

With decent modern infrastructure now accepted as key to economic development and success in the UK and around the world, Infrastructure Intelligence provides the expertise that will be increasingly critical to businesses and individual professionals in staying ahead of their rivals.  

Our editorial ethos is unashamedly forward looking.  While delivering the latest news is interesting, understanding how it can drive your business forward is more useful. Infrastructure Intelligence exists to provide the analysis, comment and insight that business leaders need to compete in the exciting and expanding world of infrastructure planning, design, management and maintenance.

Infrastructure Intelligence is published by the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) to give a platform to the construction and infrastructure industry to raise its profile and promote its activities. 

Owned by the industry; acting on behalf of the industry. Delivering the intelligence that is critical to success in construction and infrastructure.

The views expressed in Infrastructure Intelligence do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE). The title 'Infrastructure Intelligence' and the content on this website is copyright © Infrastructure Intelligence. Follow Infrastructure Intelligence on Linkedin and Twitter to receive updates on new articles and to comment on stories and issues raised.

The Infrastructure Intelligence team

  • kmclauchlan@infrastructure-intelligence.com's picture

    Karen McLauchlan



    Infrastructure Intelligence reporter Karen McLauchlan has a hugely impressive media and journalistic background. Previously working in north east regional news, her reporting career has predominately focussed on industry, economic issues and features. A former business, features and commercial features editor, she is now based in the Midlands.
  • Saad Shaukat

    Web Developer
